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校级学术报告:AI在出行领域的机遇和挑战&Deep Reinforcement Learning

发布日期: 2019-09-19   浏览次数 932


报告题目: AI在出行领域的机遇和挑战

报告人:  叶杰平 滴滴出行副总裁

主持人:  周爱民 副院长

报告时间: 2019926日 周四15:00-16:00

报告地点: 中北校区理科大楼A504




叶杰平博士是滴滴AI Labs负责人,滴滴出行副总裁。叶博士也是美国密歇根大学教授。他的专业方向为大数据、机器学习、数据挖掘、及其在出行和生物医药领域的应用。他是多个国际顶级AI会议的资深委员会会员、区域主席和委员会副主席,包括NIPSICMLKDDAAAIIJCAIICDMSDM等。他也是多个顶级AI期刊的副主编,包括DMKD, IEEE TKDEIEEE TPAMI等。他于2010年获得美国国家自然科学基金会生涯奖。他的研究成果被选为顶级AI会议KDDICML的最佳论文。

报告二:Keith W Ross 

报告题目:Deep Reinforcement Learning

报告人: Keith W Ross Chair Professor

主持人: 周爱民 副院长

报告时间: 2019926日 周四16:00-17:00



Reinforcement learning is about sequentially interacting with an environment in order to maximize a return. Recent advances in deep reinforcement learning have led to breakthroughs in AI for playing Go, playing computer video games with raw pixel inputs, and learning how to control simulated robotic locomotion. At NYU Shanghai, Keith and his students have been developing new on-policy and off-policy deep reinforcement learning algorithms. During this talk, we will introduce the field of deep reinforcement learning, and survey his team's recent work in the area.


Keith Ross is the Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at NYU Shanghai and the Leonard J. Shustek Chair Professor of Computer Science at NYU. He is an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. He is co-author (with James F. Kurose) of the popular textbook, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, which has been translated into fourteen languages.His current research interests are in deep reinforcement learning. Previously he has worked in Internet privacy, peer-to-peer networking, Internet measurement, queuing theory, and Markov decision processes.